Tibetan medicine was created by Buddhists in Tibet and is a combination of the Ayurvedic healing and many other types of Chinese medicine. Tibetan medicine works on balancing the alignment of energies
Our sense of ‘hearing’ is the first to develop when we are a foetus and the last to go when we pass on. Sound healing has been used for thousands of years.
Sound healing is a therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body and mind, to bring harmony and balance to our health. Sound healing really works because nothing is solid, everything is vibrating and the perfect tones of the bowls and tuning forks are able to travel through the body and energetic fields with ease.
What is Tibetan Acu-Sound Therapy good for?
Increases the flow of energy (Qi) in and around the body
Reduces joint pain and any swelling (by increasing natural anti-inflammatory compounds)
Opens energetic pathways, bringing in balance and relief of pain
Relaxes muscular tension
Relaxes adrenals, relieves stress
Improves sleep
Helps with deep and balanced breathing
Stimulates the body’s own healing process
Helps with healing strained muscles, tendons and ligaments
Increases bone density
Energising and revitalising
Creates positivity
Jovi HoonjanFleet and Basingstoke | Tel: 07578 445666 | [email protected] | www.love2meditate.com