
Biofield Tuning

In a Biofield Tuning session, the therapist uses a range of tuning forks, working with their sound frequencies and vibrations. This is applied around the client’s body (within its electromagnetic field) as well on the body.

The frequencies of the tuning forks can detect any imbalance in client’s energies, and then bring them to coherence by using the forks’ healing frequencies.

This procedure is often compared to tuning an instrument. Our bodies often get ‘out of tune’ due to many external and internal factors, and after ‘getting tuned’ my clients frequently report a sense of clarity, balanced emotions and new vitality.


Eden Energy Medicine

A typical Eden Energy Medicine session consists of the following:

I will first assess the flow of my client’s energies with a set of muscle tests adapted from kinesiology.

The remainder of the session consists of various energy medicine techniques and a relaxing treatment, which includes gentle rocking of the body, pressing or holding various acupressure points, and other non-invasive techniques.

My clients sometimes drift into a light sleep during these relaxing protocols and leave the session rejuvenated and equipped with a number of self-care techniques. I always send my clients a follow-up email with a review of the self-care exercises.

MindSet Priming

Everyone of us is born with an unprogrammed computer: our Brain.

Over time we gather life experiences, thoughts and beliefs that are stored and filed away to be drawn on later. When similar experiences crop up, some are positive and will hold us in good stead for a happy fulfilled life and some negative and will hold us back.

Mindset Priming will light up some of these stored memories and help you single out the ones that are having a negative affect on your life or are holding you back. Then  you can address them and refile them under a positive attitude or emotion. It will show you techniques to retrain your brain and unleash your true potential.


Individual Counselling

Are you struggling to make relationships work? Sometimes we have unresolved issues that impact our ability to find the right partner, or to have happy, long lasting relationships. We may not be aware that we keep repeating the same patterns, or even if we are, we don’t know how to change them. Counselling can help clients to understand their repeating patterns, by exploring them and looking into when they started, it’s then possible to start working towards change. ​

Often individuals struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety and low mood, which makes it difficult to work on relationships. How can you have positive relationships with others if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself? Do you find that when you are in a relationship you tend to lose your sense of self? After a while you can’t remember what it is that you enjoy doing and what your preferences are. Perhaps you become very anxious and needy? Or, alternatively, you may get scared when someone wants to get close to you and you end up pulling away?

Counselling can help clients to work on their self-esteem and confidence, by empowering them to realise their own strengths and skills. When clients feel paralysed by anxiety, the counsellor can share various coping strategies to help manage anxiety symptoms such as overthinking and catastrophising, for this Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be very useful.

Couples Counselling

How can Couples Therapy help? Couples therapy helps partners to reconnect emotionally and create a happier and healthier relationship. Therapy can help couples to improve their communication, enhance understanding of each other’s needs and learn how to resolve conflict in a kinder and more effective way. By working through problems in therapy couples can start to rebuild trust and strengthen emotional bonds.

Respect, Trust and communication are the building blocks of a happy relationship. Do you feel that your partner respects your views and your opinions? Are you able to trust your partner? Can you rely on them? Do you communicate in a way that you both feel heard?

Group Reiki & Seichem Healing Circles

Powerful healing circles where you get to experience the healing energies of Reiki & Seichem in a group session which can be as powerful as a personal treatment.

Sound Therapy

You may have heard of a sound bath (or soundbath), sound meditation, sound therapy, sound massage, immersive sound session, gong bath, tuning forks therapy, vibrational healing, vibrational therapy, singing bowl therapy, crystal bowls, music therapy, any combination of the above, or even something completely different. There are lots of different modalities and approaches to working with sound as a therapy, but essentially the intention is the same – to promote wellbeing and initiate healing through vibration.

The reason why the term ‘bath’ is commonly used is because, during a sound session, you are ‘bathed’ in sound. Sound has the ability to take you to a deep state of relaxation much more quickly and effectively than you would be be able to achieve without it. This is partly because vibrations stimulate cells deep in the body as well as creating a pulsation to entrain the brain. The effect is energy medicine that promotes healing, while the unique tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and intuitive messages. It also just feels really good!
Commonly reported benefits:
– Deep relaxation- Meditative State achieved more easily- Better quality sleep – Relief from physical pain- More mental clarity- A greater sense of well-being- Insight and revelations

Havening Techniques

Havening delinks the stressful, overwhelming emotions and feelings from the memory (intellectual knowing) of traumatic events.
It has shown to reduce or eliminate many symptoms people struggle with in their day-to-day life after traumatic experiences.
It is a great tool to reduce or eliminate anxiety, fears, phobias, overwhelming emotions, hypervigilance, panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, triggering or the debilitating symptoms of (C)-PTSD.

Havening targets the encoding of trauma encoded memory, which often causes triggering. Havening resets the safekeeping system of the body (Amygdala) back to a normal threshold.
Havening gets swift results with lasting effect, so clients can move forward and enjoy their life again.

Havening is a fairly new technique based on neuroscience. It utilizes touch to the palms, upper arms and face to create delta waves which are soothing and help us to feel calm and safe.

About Havening sessions:
With Havening there is no need to speak at length about what has happened. Sometimes clients don’t have the story – If you can think about it, feel it, or are able tap into how you are affected, we can work with this with Havening.
Once we have established the “headline” of what we are working on, I will choose the most suitable Havening Technique(s) to work with this. Often different techniques are strung together within a session, and I will guide you through them. What all Techniques have in common is that the soothing Havening Touch is utilised.
Usually the client will come to a place of “settling” – where the distress is greatly reduced or completely absent.
Whilst Havening has consistently shown to deliver good and lasting results, as with any modality, there are no guarantees.
Please note, Havening is not psychotherapy or medical treatment, nor is it a substitute for either.

Clients can easily learn the basics of Havening, and use it at home (self-havening), this is a very useful tool to:
– help themselves when they experience distressing emotions, panic attacks, flashbacks etc.
– to create resourceful states by using Havening Touch and supportive phrases the client feels aligned with. Havening Touch creates Delta waves which help us feel safe and well, this supports the brain to be more resilient to stress and re-traumatisation.